About Me

Angela Santiago Chung

The length of my website’s URL reflects my Asian-American, high-achiever upbringing, as it takes forever to type it into a web browser.

I was born in Beverly Hills with a plastic spoon in my mouth to a Korean dad and a Filipino mom. My parents met in a laundromat in L.A., an event that has given me a love for Tide and clean men. I made things more fractional for my children (because Asians are good at math) by marrying an Irish-American bloke.

Like every Asian kid, I learned to play the piano, but to my parents’ dismay, discovered the electric guitar and songwriting as a teen. Contrary to my parents’ wishes of becoming a doctor, I decided to study music and creative writing. This, however, was too horrific for them, so I chose to major in education, but this was equally horrific for them.

Intent on changing the world, I graduated with a degree in education. The fanfare from my parents was minimal, but more than when I had dyed my hair blue. Encouraged by this display, I sought my fortune in Fullerton as a schoolteacher. It wasn’t there.

My experience as an educator, though, would open up opportunities for me to write and play music. Although we used to gig a lot more, since having our own lives and families, we’ve had to do things a lot smarter. So we make music videos to promote our music while we stay at home.

This website started its life as an assignment for a graduate course. I hope to continue this website journey together with you, but if that doesn’t happen, then I hope you enjoy your time here in this place and space for now. Thanks for reading!